Church Staff![]() Email Pastor Bruce at BruceD@RBCNiceville.org
(updated October 2024)
![]() Trina grew up in upstate New York and became saved at age ten. She knew as a little girl she would sing for the Lord, and God instilled a calling in her heart to go into the ministry. She graduated from Buffalo School of the Bible with a degree in Biblical Theology, Pastoral Studies. After graduation, Trina had a successful career in sales, sales management, and sales training. She is also a licensed Realtor. Although a professional businesswoman, Trina always remained involved in church and ministry, including singing in worship teams, teaching with her husband, Richard, in the children’s ministry, leading kids’ worship, serving in the nursery, and serving with Richard as youth group leaders. She and Richard also taught a new believers’ class. Trina volunteered as a camp counselor at Lake Aurora Christian Camp in the Lake Wales, FL. She and Richard also helped plant and start a church which is now international, with two campuses. Trina left Buffalo, NY in 2002 and moved to Ft Myers, FL, where she met her husband. They married and moved to North Port, FL in 2007. They felt God calling them to Niceville, FL, and made the move in 2022. Rosemont Baptist Church has always been their “church home in Niceville” when visiting Richard’s mom over the past twenty years. During a Sunday service at Rosemont, right after moving to Niceville, Trina answered God’s call to full-time ministry, assisting Pastor Doug and leading the worship. Richard and everyone at Rosemont gave confirmation of Trina’s calling to serve at Rosemont as Minister of Music and Worship Arts. In her free time, Trina and Richard enjoy spending time with Richard’s large extended family who live in Niceville and the surrounding area. Trina and Richard love being with their two children, Ronin (15) and Allison (12). You can find them cheering Ronin and Allison on at their football and soccer games, eating out at their favorite local restaurant, and swimming in the bayou and creeks nearby. Family means everything to them, as they feel God has called us to evangelize our kids and family first; then “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) Trina believes in the need for evangelism for lost souls so they would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. God desires for all men to be saved as stated in 2 Peter 3:9: “not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” All glory be given to God, Amen! ![]() Sheila has attended Rosemont since she was 3 years old. She was baptized here in 1989. She was highly involved in the children and youth programs growing up. Being raised at Rosemont has given her a special bond to her home church she cannot imagine serving anywhere else. The church family has been her rock through many though times in her life. She is forever grateful to God for placing them her life. Her favorite passage in the Bible is Isaiah 53 (The Messiah as the Suffering Servant). Sheila was called to be the volunteer youth director in 1999. She served as volunteer youth director and puppet director till 2003. In 2006 she felt the Lord leading her back to be youth director and has been doing it ever since. Sheila directs the youth, puppet team, and children’s church. She has a passion for helping the homeless and keeps the youth evolved in collecting and handing out supplies to them. Sheila’s full-time job is at Bluewater Elementary she is the assistant childcare coordinator for the before and after care program. She has a dog named Waldo who is cutest dog ever. ![]() Jan is a Christian mother, grandmother and great-grand-mother. She is the 10th child of 12 born to sharecropper parents in Oklahoma. Jan married her husband in 1958. She lived in several states, and spent 10 years in Saudi Arabia. Jan joined Rosemont Baptist church in 2010. She is very blessed to be part of the caring Christian family at the Rosemont Baptist Church. Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Administrative Assistant - Donna Vlasak