Rosemont Baptist Church
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Serving the Lord Family Style

Science and the Bible

The Science and the Bible study series have proven to be very popular and many have requested digital copies on of this teaching on CD (audio) and/or DVD (video). This entire series is available below (via Youtube) for either download or to watch/listen online.
This popular series was taught and captured on video
September through November of 2018.
Many people have been frustrated with the disconnect between what contemporary science is saying, what is being taught in the public schools with endorsement by our government in contrast with what is taught in the Bible.  Many do not know what to believe and the world appears to be opposed to the truth of Scripture. This series was done to help answer those questions and to aid in restoring faith in the Word of God, the Bible.
Though the Bible is not a book of science and history, when it speaks to those things, we can trust it and believe every word of it is true for it is the inspired Word of God.  For if we can trust what the Bible says of science and history, we can also trust the Bible in matters of God, His love for us through His Son Jesus Christ, and for our eternal salvation. 

               Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.  John 17:17 NKJV


1.   (Audio)  Foundations (58.7 min) 
(recorded on September 9, 2018)

2.   (Audio)  The Harmony of Science and the Bible – Part 1  (62.5 min) 
(originally recorded on September 16, 2018)

3.     (Audio)  The Harmony of Science and the Bible – Part 2  (57.3 min)

(originally recorded on September 23, 2018) 

4.     (Audio)  Life on Earth – Argument for a Creator (59.7 min) 
(originally recorded on September 30, 2018) 

5.    (Audio) The World that Was-Part 1:The Pre-Flood World (58.7 min)

 (originally recorded on October 7, 2018)

6.    (Audio)  The World that Was-Part 2: The World Wide Flood (61.2 min)
(originally recorded on October 14, 2018)

7.   (Audio) The World that Was-Part 3: The Post Flood World (56.2 min)
(originally recorded on October 28, 2018)

8.  (Audio) The Age of the Universe (64.7 min)
 (originally recorded on November 4, 2018)

9.   (Audio) The ABC’s of Evolution-Part 1: Radiometric Dating (45.7 min)
(originally recorded on November 11, 2018)

10. (Audio) The ABC’s of Evolution-Part 2: Where are the Missing Links? (43.2 min)

(originally recorded on November 25, 2018)

11. Bonus Feature
(Audio) The Reliability of the New Testament Ancient Manuscripts (50.2 min)

(originally recorded on December 2, 2018)